Study medicine in Pleven
Pleven Medical University
- The Medical University of Pleven was founded in 1974 and is a self-administrative public university.
- The university includes theoretical, preclinical and clinical departments and an academic hospital with more than 1,000 beds and a vast number of specialized clinics and state of the art research units.
- University accommodation and sports facilities are available on-campus.
- International students from non-English-speaking countries are offered a preparatory course in English to ease their transition for the demands of their studies.
- 60 highly trained professors and 300 assistant professors are employed in the university.
- The university library has amassed more than 74,000 volumes of medical bibliography in Bulgarian and English and is still growing.
- The duration of study is 6 years in English language to obtain Master Degree and the tuition fee is 7000 euros annually.